What you can see
The Birds Of Prey Centre boasts one of the largest and most fascinating collections of Birds Of Prey in the North of England including Owls, Eagles, Hawks, Falcons and Vultures.
The Birds of Prey Centre is situated in the heart of Kielder Water and Forest Park – an area abundant with wildlife due to its variety of habitats including woodland, marshy grasslands and bogs. Taking a walk around Kielder you may encounter badgers, roe deer, otters, shrews, seven species of bat, many woodland birds and, especially in spring, birds of prey including ospreys.
The running of the Centre is a costly business and you may be surprised that we do not receive grants from outside agencies or Government Aid. Visitors often ask how they can help in our work – an obvious answer is to be aware of the Centre’s mission of publicising the plight of many Birds of Prey in the wild, allowing the general public (particularly children) close access to the birds in order that they will learn to appreciate the need for the species to be protected in their natural habitat for future generations. Many people wish to contribute more and for this reason we have devised our adoption scheme. Find out more about adopting a bird.